Popular Questions!

We realize InBooze is a new concept, so here's a few answers to your most popular questions!

How many drinks does each kit make?

For all kits, except the sangria, you infuse 2 cups of your favorite alcohol. Sangria can use 1-2 bottles of wine for infusion.  That makes about 6-8 drinks...sometimes more, depending on how you pour. Also, you can get 2 pitchers per infusion, with about 1 cup, plus mixer in each. FAB for parties!

How long is it good for?

Once infused, remove the infusion bag and store covered in a cool place for up to 3 months. It really can't go bad and let's be honest, it never lasts that long! Most people store their mason jars in the fridge.

What do you pair it with?

This is where you can have fun with InBooze and make it your own! Suggested pairings are:

  • Flavored sparkling water
  • 7UP, Sierra Mist, Sprite, Fresca
  • Tonic or soda water, plus citrus garnish

Can I modify flavors?

A few flavors can be modified slightly.

  • Bloody Mary can be made LESS spicy (it has a MEDIUM spice, normally)
  • Classic Margarita can be made spicy, but we do offer a Spicy Margarita, also! 
  • Mule can have fruit added: strawberry, blackberry, pineapple or blueberry

Are bulk orders possible?

Yes, with enough advance warning, bulk orders are possible. Perfect for large events, weddings and more! Please email Ashleigh at inboozekits@gmail.com to discuss.

I'm an influencer, can I get some free to try?

Since we are just starting out, we cannot supply free items for everyone who asks. Please send an email and we can discuss collaborations! info@inbooze.com

Do you offer donations for charitable events?

We consider all options. Please fill out this form


  • Betsey

    Do you use sugar substitutes in those that are sugar free?

  • Tara 49080

    Do you leave the booze with infusion out or should it be refrigerated for those three days and after that also

  • Robert Turnbough

    Besides the wine kit I notice on your bags it says to pour at least 2 cups, is there a recommended max per one infusion bag?

  • Amanda Rose

    Hi Ashleigh, I was lucky enough to get to try your Margarita infusion at a friends cottage, it was amazing!
    I am a wholesaler that does ecommerce in Canada (just across the border from Michigan) and am hoping that you would be interested in Wholesaling. I do have a business number and would be able to pick up shipments once the border does re-open (hopefully in 3 weeks), but would be happy to work out a shipping plan with you until then.

    I would be interested in a starter order of 18 of each of the following items, and we could go from there:
    White Sangria
    Red Sangria
    Spicy Margarita
    Berry Lavender Lemonade
    Blackberry Gin Smash

    Please let me know if this is something you’d be interested in doing.
    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Amanda Rose
    LeChalet – owner

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